If you buy this game, you will definetly get your money's worth. Super Smash Bros Brawl is hands down this good!
Ah, Super Smash Bros Brawl. No other game has sucked more hours out of my game time than this masterpiece and that's exactly what it is. A Masterpiece. The Smash Bros series has always been about Nintendo characters like Mario, Link, Kirby etc duking it out for supremecy. The rules are simple. You start by picking your character then duke it out on a stage. The goal is to knock your opponent of the stage by set rules (Timed or survival). If you get knoocked out, you loose a point or life and the more damage you take, the easier it is to get knocked out. See? Simple rules.
Super Smash Bros Brawl is the easiest fighting game in the world. So easy that even your mom and dad will be able to understand. You play by holding the Wii-mote sideways. You use the Control pad to move, dash (double tap), crouch and Jump. You use the 1 button for special moves (changes depending on direction), the 2 button for regular attacks (again changes depending on direction), - to grab and the B button to shield and the A button to taunt. Simple yet flawless controls but Brawl has enough depth to make it challenging to master such as different smash attacks, arial games, frame rate details etc
Brawl's roster is 37 completly different and unique characters. With that many characters, I was suprised that Nintendo made so large a roster and yet making the characters unique and not overlaping with each other. In short, Impressive
The Graphical detail of Brawl is outstanding. The stages are detailed and the characters look slightly more realistic eg: Mario's blue dungarees look more like jeans in terms of detail. Nintendo, you are true masters of art!
The Music is utterly and hands down impressive. There are 314 songs in total. There are tons of music tracks to collect and all of them rock hard (literally).
In Brawl you can take pictures and snapshots of your fave scene by just pressing the pause button, looking at which scene you want to picture, then pressing the A Button. Brawl's easily best feature is the abilty to customize your own stages. Although you are limited in terms of content, creating your own designs is something you really want to go back to again and again!
One new change to Brawl is the Smash Ball. This container of ultimate power will appear at any random time during battle and your job is to crack it open before anyone else does. If you do, have fun defeating your opponent with your epic Final Smash. A Final Smash is an epic super move which you can use by pressing the 1 button when you have the Smash Ball. Some Final Smashes work best in single hits and some work well in combos.
Now some people thing the smash ball is downright cheap and they stick to playing Super Smash Bros Melee because of this. If you feel that way, just turn the smash ball off! Was that really that impossible to do.
If you like collecting alot of stuff, then you will find that Brawl is for you! There are tons and I literally mean tons of unlockable content from characters, music tracks, stages, trophies, stickers etc.
The Downsides of this game are that the masterpieces are extremely lame. They literally give just a limited amount of time to play them. If you wanna play retro games, you better off buying them from the Wii Shop Channel. Another thing is that some of the final smashes are almost congruent. I guess the developers were kinda sleepy from the hard work they were doing.
Super Smash Bros Brawl is an exellent game! Let's overview the facts shall we? I had this game for 1 year 6 months and I still love it!
The Good: Great Gameplay, tons of costomizable content, lot's of characters to choose from, Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog are in the game which is a nice touch, out of this world unlockable content galore, incredible depth, wealth of modes, an Adventure mode with an intruguing story, same gameplay with new features, 314 music tracks
The Bad: The masterpieces are not worth your time, Some Final Smashes are similar
The Ugly: If I gave this game a 10/10, would I give it any ugly points in the first place? No!