Best Game for the Wii to date
User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Best game for the Wii right now period. It's perfect for people who don't have friends and just play the single player or with computers, but it especially shines in the co-op and multiplayer aspect of the game. The Subspace Emissary give the option of having you and friend go through the clever story Nintendo has come up with, without using any words. Theres tons of things to collect like all those trophys. Cool unlockable characters except for Sonic, he's not cool. the game has people from video games you would probably never play, so it's great marketing on Nintendo's part. Before Brawl's release I tried a bunch of games from Fire Emblem to Pikmin to Kid Icarus. It can also be a competitive game. It brought me and a bunch of friends together just to play and laugh at the game. If you don't have it go get it now.