the only missing are: Dr.Mario, Pichu, Roy and Mewtwo and other 20 stages more because the game is perfe

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
the things don´t like me: here missing dr.mario, pichu, roy and metwo, 20 stages more, and more characters y pokemons from the poke balls. more stages from melee. stages like 75 M?? is a waste of memory in the game, and the final smash of mario and lucario are too weaks, and is too easy unlock the characters so i prefer melee

the good things are: THE BEST OF THE BEST!!! in music, good graphics, amazing cinematics scenes and all characters are good in gameplay and for this game and the for ways to play!! this make it more fun. and the gameplay in al moments is perfect don´t have much glitches, and the new poke balls all are good and the asist trophy too. and the trophy and stickers are good in numbres. and the challenges are hard to complete and you can take photos in any moment and save the fights of 3 minutes in vs mode