Batter... swing!
Nice and crisp with just minor questions in some characters. Can hardly see some of the things or items on screen. Sometimes hard to make out what exactly the heck is going on screen due to the number of players moving so close to each other.
A lot of sounds recycled from the old Super Smash Brothers and Melee, with a couple of new additional sounds for the game. Some of the music can get irritating if left on for too long. But at least it works...
With snake being one of the most hyped up characters to be included in the game, they really made a bad name for the character by making some of his attacks weird, slow, but powerful. Buttons are just like how old players are used to with the exception of the final attack, which requires a certain and pushing a single button to perform an outrageous, which are actually unique to all character. The buttons are friendly to both new and old players, but some of the characters attacks have been changed since the last version. There's even a balancing issue with some characters, but then comes down to the people who play it... Great down side is the issue of the randomers or move-tappers (using the same move over and over and over, not bothering to use other moves) becomes a really great annoyance more than anything.
When's there's a bloody party on... I don't want to be spending over 30 hours unlocking everything or re-unlocking everything as if players are forced to do anything... getting whacked over the head by a baseball bat would be far more entertaining than going down the same tunnel full of cow manure, then to realise that it is also filled with poisonous creatures and then told to rescue a bottle of water on the other side. Where's the logic in the torture session just to have a bit of fun?!?
On really big stages, on a small screen... I'd have more fun swatting flies than watching pixels swatting each other... Not everyone owns really big 40 inch TVs... So what chance does uni people with small TVs playing on silly sized TVs can see small pixels prancing more than kids on sugar rushes?
But at least there are mini-games right? Well... I couldn't be really bothered....
The Challenges are just fun and sometimes, they are just plain out crazy. At other times... down right annoying... Unlockers and achievers would love this game to bits. But it isn't to me. Competitions would be a big draw point here
---Stab Time---
Snake? ... Snake.... SNAKE!
Marth Returns!
Final Attacks are just funny
There's actually a map editor!
Near to same formula from Melee in Brawl
Fun multiplayer game!
Some of the stages are original and really funny
Tetris music is there!
Return of some good ole' we miss and love
Mortar and Final Attack FTW!
Pick-up and play
Newcomer friendly!
Co-op in some missions possible
Snake is just crazy to use and is quite slow
Jigglypuff's one hit KO is no longer as effective and twice as hard to use
Who the heck really uses Pokemon Trainer anyways?
There are just some useless characters
No help from instruction manual about some of the tools
Using the Wiimote isn't as good as Gamecube controllers, which I don't own...
Why is the game designed for Wii if the buttons on the Wiimote is useless?
The taunt button is suppose to be Z not the D-pad
Some of the maps are just plain old nuts
No sense in where some trophies should be located in the awards cabinet
So many possible achievements
Finding some characters not that easy
Can't change soundtracks when designing your own map
Give us the cheat to unlock everything so everyone can at least have fun...
Definition of fun does not include the word... "torture"
Can't be bothered unlocking everything...
Not too bothered with the mini-games...
Doesn't really reward players for being really funny
Life made really hard...
Sonic + Final Smash = Overkill...
Loved by many... but that doesn't include me...