It is finally here the best in the serise yet. So much to do so much to explore. New and fun playable charecters.
Super smash bros. brawl was everything I thought it would be except for the online. The online play in this game is VERY laggy you can't play super smash when it is laggy. I didn't like the fact that you could only play with the people that are your friends. You should be able to play worldwide.
Now super smashes story mode is awesome it is so exiting what new characters your going to see next and in the end all the characters come together which was great. I thought the cut scenes were great to watch and I thought they were great. All of the characters had their own story behind them and was great going to all the different scenes and playing all different characters. The events in this game are great it is small little events that are fun to play just for a little activity.
Super smash bros brawls quick play is so fun. You want to keep on playing to see what character you might unlock next. All of the characters moves had allot of thought into them and allot of possibility of moves to do. Every character has its own super smash, which I thought was a good addition to the brawl. There is so many possibilities of characters to play with witch keeps on bringing you back to play them. I like when sometimes when you beat something you achieve something like a trophy or a track of music for you to add to you collection.
I thought that the controls with the wii remote were not so great it didn't really play out well. I used the Game Cube controller the whole time witch I think is the best way to play. The entire controller was laid out great and was easy to play. I thought that all modes, trophies and everything else in super smash bros braw was great and is a good game to add to the super smash series.