the best wii game ever and the best in the series
User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
now have you played tekken or soul caliber well if u havnt played smash your a loser dude, super smash bros brawl is truely the best game on the wii by far maybe the best that will have come out, the thing that makes this game different from the other 2 previous smashes is that this one includes 2 character from nintendos rival companies, snake and sonic, now for all nintendo who really hates sony, now u can smash snake of screen instead of smashing kirby or mario, brawl now has an even bigger roster than before with now 35 characters that make the game way funner than b4 and the wifi allows you to play with people around the world so this game is def gonna last you a long time, my fc is in my profile for anyone that wants to fight, well the game now includes a better adventure mode with a new story with cut scenes called the subspace emissary its a really entertaining story and the easiest way to get most of the characters, wolf jigglypuff and toon link need to be unlocked alternatively, this game is really good to play with friends when you think you had enough of this game you just keep coming back for more i promise you this game is best game you could find for the wii and it is not xbox and ps3