definitely the best in the SSB series..
User Rating: 8.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
Well, i was definitely skeptical of all this hype that this game was gettin from the general, and i actually was one of the ones gettin the hype up to tell the truth. When i finally get the finished product, it definitely is the best in the series, but there is one crucial area that Nintendo needs, needs, NEEDS to fix. That is the wifi capability. It is constantly crashing, and freezing, and lagging, to make games go slower than a frozen sloth (i know, bad analogy, but you get my point). What makes this freezing worse is the fact that you cant escape from the game so easily when the connection starts lagging, short of pullin your internet cable from the wii, which totally sucks. Anyway, onto the rest of the game.. the multiplayer is just fine, and the tweaks and changes definitely couldnt come at a better time. These changes make the gameplay much easier to handle, and easier to keep up with the action. The problem that i had in melee with the too fast of a pace was fixed, which has meant no more suicides from not knowing where my character was :). The single player being revamped was also a smart move, even though i didnt particularly enjoy the co-op version. I mean, it made some fights much easier at times, but i think one flaw to this formula was the fact that the first player could die, and the game would be over. If the second player died, the first player was SOL, and had to deal best he could. It would have been much better to just have both have the same standard, which wouldnt make one player seem more important than the other. Anyways, everything else feels the same, and the physics are absolutely lifelike, right down to the spontaneous trip ups by characters. The graphics are great, and the load times werent as bad as people were tryin to say they were. Regardless, i stand a firm ground in being a little disappointed in nintendo wifi. If nintendo decides to get a dedicated server to service the many new people that came to wifi, than this could change, but as it stands now, if you didnt like SSB before, and only want this game for the online portion, then prepare to be disappointed