My new and MOST FAVORITE game on the wii

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
WOW... thank you SOOOO Very much for this excellent game nintendo... this is the only game I have been playing since it's release day I have over 20 hours on it already.... I LOOOOVE it, its soo much fun to play,.. I can't stop playing it, I have been addicted to super smash bros since the first one on the n64.. and that is one thing I and always count on, is when you guy make a sequel it's going to have a lot of stuff added, and plenty of improvements, this game is by far the best game currently out on the nintendo wii, and really I did get the wii mainly for awesome games like this, but y'all have really out done yourselves, this is such a relaxingly fun game.. it's just so great, just knowing that I own it and can get home and have a never ending blast on it.
Great graphics, HIGHLY ADDICTIVE game play, great variety of game types, accurate controls ... and ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for parties and even online