SSBB - Nintendo's way of saying: "Violence is fun!"
For those who haven't played any of the Super Smash Bros. series before, let me briefly outline what the game is all about. In past games, Nintendo took all the notable characters from any of their past games, threw them onto a stage, and pitted them against each other in an all out brawl. In this game, SSBB, they took all those characters, plus some other non-Nintendo ones, and threw them into the mix. Some of the more known characters, being around since the very first game, are Mario, Kirby, Link, and Pikachu.
The game is one of the most addicting to play, yet is very simple too. There are two basic buttons: the A button, which does a normal, mostly physical hit, and the B button, which takes each characters' special abilities and turns it into an attack of their own (on the Gamecube controller). Each of these attacks varies from character to character, and when used in combo with the control stick, you can control the direction in which the hit is made. Also, by tilting the control stick different degrees, you can control how hard each hit is. Very basic, but this makes it easy to learn and less frustrating, therefore making it more addictive. A new concept for Brawl is the final smash: an uber-powerful move specially designed for each character that can blow all your opponents away. In fact, it is so powerful that you can only utilize it when you have collected a smash ball- a floating orb that breaks open to bestow the character with this power. It takes a while to master, but makes for hours of fun and can become very addictive.
The real fun comes when playing with friends. Sure, playing the computer is fine and many times can be very challenging, but their lack of intelligence makes it kind of boring. Playing with friends is what the game was designed for. Humans are sociable creatures, and having someone there to play with (and taunt, and rub it in their face when you win) makes it all the more fun. Plus, humans are more intelligent and they'll do things that the computers won't do, like pick up items and not run into walls. The sense of competition will keep you playing for hours.
So, if you haven't gotten this game yet, get in your car, and go buy one right now! Pick a character, and start kicking some @$$! (Btw, Kirby is the best character fyi)