let the madness begin!
User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
ok so i never owned the previous smash brothers games. ive only played it at my buddies place so im not gonna pretend like im an expert on the franchise. that came to be evidently true the first time i played my new copy of brawl versus a veteran 1 on 1. i was thoroughly stomped, beat down, hacked slashed and repeatedly launched off the stage. ( i still have yet to get my revenge) this shows that the game is easy to pick up on but not the type of fighter where a rookie can just button mash theyre way to a lucky victory. infact, the game takes a while to learn the individual moves of each character wich makes it fun. its a blast to play with 4 people or against the computer. Brawl also has a sidescrolling game in it wich is very addictive. you'll keep wanting to play to the next level in hopes of seeing the next cut scene or character available. this is further complicated by collecting stickers which are used to upgrade your characters earned and can give them special abilities. there are many collectibles such as music scores, classic game demos, and trophies. so as a newcomer to the franchise, ive been impressed by the depth of what the game has to offer. one of the main attactions i had to purchasing this game was the online functions. One of my friends told me he had a copy so i was looking forward to beating his buttocks from the comfort of my own living room. the friend code matches dont have any noticeable lag but the random matches seemed to once in a while or might have had errors starting them. the level creator is fun and easy to pick up. the replays and photo options are also fun and interesting. all in all, the games graphics are good and are set to be displayed on an hd tv. the gameplay is balanced and addictive, the music is robust and the sound effects are authentic. youll want to immitate pikachus battle screams, and recognize classic mario game sound effects and songs. in my opinion this is one of the best wii games, and the more i play it im starting to wonder if this could be on my list of top ten fighting games of all time. definitly a must have for the wii.