With a purely generic single player "Campaign" that drags on, BRAWL makes up for alot with its multiplayer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII
SSBB, Super Smash Bos. Brawl, the third in the 2D fighter series from Nintendo. This game is a lengthly, enjoyable party-style game that is worth the money.

I have to start with the sidescrolling singleplayer. To puty it blandly - It SUCKS. Lengthly, dull, levels that go on until the cows come home. The absolute only advantage of this potion of the game is that you play through as every character at a stage, so you will at least have experience with each of them, before you pick your definate multiplayer character. However the long dull levels do drag on to the extent that it is not worth the wider viewpoint of the characters in-game.

The multiplayer. An addictive, enjoyable gamestyle that can be enjoyed by EVERYONE. This isn't Halo 3 grade, but for parties, this is much more n00b friendly than Halo 3, more suitable for parties with family friends when your parents don't want them to think you are a violence obsessed child. 4 players, about 30 characters (from memory) and about 20 fields of battle. FANTASTIC fun.

Online, however, it falls apart - Enter the world of LAG and Walmart Connections. A poor center of the system and a long loading phase. I don't lag. I now run Halo 3 perfectly smoothly. Anyway, The game LITERALLY takes longer to load than play - considering they're only 2 minutes long and full of lag.

Goods And Gripes

Fantastic, longlasting multiplayer
Great graphics for the wii
Short play or long play it works well
Brilliant Arcade modes on the side for long-lastingness

Terrible Lag
Campaign fails at life

SSBB is overally a fantastic game that is worth your money if you have a wii