Review: Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Melee is the follow-up to the highly successful Super Smash Bros. for the N64. Super Smash Bros. was one of my favorite games of the N64 years and this sequel was the primary reason I bought a Gamecube at launch.
All of Nintendo's main characters have come together in a knock-down drag-out free for all to the bitter end, and only one may leave the arena with the title champion. Included are characters from Pokemon, Zelda, Mario games, Donky Kong, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Ice Climbers, Star Fox, Earthbound, Metroid, and more.
Graphically this game is not as impressive as I feel it could be, but it is not intended to be a graphically intense the game, it intends to capture the feeling of each of the individual game in each stage, something it does extremely well. This also is noticeable in each character, each remaining true to the look that they had in their own games
The Music is top notch, using remixed or orchestral versions of the main Scores used in each characters game, the sounds for each character are also dead on, and when you pull off a power attack you receive a very satisfying WHACK!! sound, and the stages have their own unique sounds and effects which add to the rich layered sounds that are pulled off.
Super Smash Bros. Melee's controls are tight and very responsive, as well as easy to pick up and difficult to master. Quite literally the game can be played by even the most inexperienced novice.
Game play:
As I said earlier the game is easy to pick up and play, each character plays like how you might think that they might play like in a real battle situation. but there is a problem in that even if you do manage to master the difficult techniques you may find yourself sticking to a few combos that you find highly effective, and lesser experienced players will just mash on the buttons to potential victory, but you will find that those whom take the time to learn the nuances the of game can beat almost anyone that they face, and find the work very rewarding. But what makes this game interesting is the intense 4 player multiplayer which on its own makes this game worth owning, you and your friends will be playing this for days on end like my friends and I ended up doing.
The design much like the music is one of the shining points of this game! Each character is unique as are the stages designed after the games the characters are originally from. The stages are not only unique to the respective world that it represents but over all unique to this game and this game alone. While you are fighting you must not only pay attention to your opponent but your ever changing surroundings. Also there are a million and one different game modes options and hidden characters to unlock and play through that add almost unlimited depth to this title.
Despite the potential to want to button mash, Super Smash Bros Melee, is a fun and outstanding experience! All Nintendo Gamecube owners should have this game, and if you don't go buy it now, call your friends, and throw a party!
Graphics 8/10
Game play 8/10
Sound 10/10
Fun factor 10/10
Tilt 10/10
Average score 9.2
Super Smash Brothers Melee:
Inventive Design
Fun Multiplayer
Easy to control
All of your favorite Nintendo characters
Long replayability
Can break down to button mashing
Graphics are good but could be better