Awesome battle sequences, a few glitches, but what game doesn't have glitches? All the more discoveries to be made.

User Rating: 9.4 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
There is a bit of overlapping, jumping through platforms, etc, but no game is perfect. Games are like humans. No two are exactly the same, and not one is perfect. A wonderful mix of well-known characters and the attacks of them makes the game great for all game-lovers. Graphics for the attacks are quite astonishing, especially the shots you can catch with the start button.

Ever want something to do during the credits? SSBM Gives you your wish when it turns credits into a mini-game of shooting the names of all major supporters. There's no meaning to this, there's only fun in it, but hey, at least you're not watching some boring names scroll down and off the screen like classic games. The possibilities, the graphical adventures... the UNLOCKABLES. There is a tonne of possible unlockables and when you think you have everything, you don't. It's scary...

Anyway, thats about all. ENJOY SSBM!!!!