A great sequel to the original classic, Super Smash Bros. Melee
They keep the classic single player from SSB the original, but they also have added the new ''adventure'' mode for single player, which is kind of like at some times, a 2D platformer, where you run through different levels found in a variety of games.
The multiplayer is amazing, there is the classic options, like time and stock, but now theyve added the new special melee, where you can pick from a variety of options to alter your gameplay, such as everyone is metal, or everyone is giant, so it keeps you interested.\
something else new that theyve added to the game is trophies, you earn these from achievements, or you can find them throughout adventure, each trophy gives you information on what it is, and what game it is from.
the graphics i would give a 9/10 for GC graphics, they were very good.
the gameplay i would give a 10/10 there is so many varieties and choices.
The value is 10/10, this has to be the longest game to clock on GC, it will take you ages to clock, there is no end, youll be surprised when suddenly you get a new character or level by playing 2 o3 hundred games of multiplayer or you unlock a new chracter after 20 hours of gameplay.
always something to keep you interested, something for everyone, its a buyer