BEHOLD!!! The game that revolutionazed the game world... The game that doesn't deserve a 10, it deserves an 1000!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
Man... I don't know where to start... Such... A... Perfect... Game... Well, just by the front of the game box you can see that this game AWESOME... I mean... 26 playable characters... All of them famouse... All of them with they're special attacks, weaknesses, charactaristics... And all of them TOGETHER in one game!!!!!!!! WHAT COULD YOU WANT MORE??? First of all I wanted to say that this game is the BEST multiplayer fighting game in the market, you can't disagree to that... This game is higly addictive, because it never get's old!!! Throughout the game you will always unlock an awesome new character, a very creative stage, complete new events, and find diferent trophies for you're huge collection!!! When you get all characters, and stages, and complete all events (wich is relativly hard), you will think... Is this the end? NO!!! You will never get tired of battling with you're favorite characters (believe me, you won't). But if you do, wich is impossible, you can still have houndreds of trophies to collect!!! So have fun taking down enemies on by one at classic mode (with the "classic" hand as a boss of course), or make you're way through the action packed adventure mode!!! Or after that, put you're skills to the test at all star mode, where you take every character in the game... Oh, I forgot to mention special brawl, target test, homerun... Well... I think you get it... So if you have a Wii... BUY THIS GAME!!! Yes, buy it, believe me, it's worth it :)

Oh and of course... Don't forget about the sequel... Braaaawl... T T U O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O THANK YOU FOR READING!!! O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O