One of the best games i've ever played. This is a must have game! More then 1,000 hours should be a good game.
You can play it solo or with friends, solo is fun but with friends this game ROCKS. Probably the best multi player yet.
You have adventure mode, home-run contest & more.
Melle has more characters then the first game including alot of locked characters for you to unlock.
There's a tournament mode where up to 128 players can join, you can have up to 128 humans or 1 human and 127 cpu's. Some places have Meele tournaments since it's one of the best games to test your skills in.
Diffrent modes such as: Time, Stock, Stamina.
Each character has there own special moves & smash moves.
This game is the most popular game on gamecube byfar.
Even if you can't play as mario or peach you'll find someone that matches your type.
Comes with alot of arenas and diffrent music.
There's a whole lot of items to use such as flowers,bats, barrels and more!
There's Pokeballs used to summon pokemon for your doing.
I reccomend this to ANYONE and to any person who has a Wii or Gamecube.