This game will blow you away, it's been 4 years and i still play this game religiously!

User Rating: 10 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
I went over one of my friends house got like 6 of my friends and played this game for 20 hours straight this game rocks. This game is on a whole new level than the first. When i got this game i almost teared up, this game has a whole bunch of options, the thing that got me was the also music and graphic which complements each other perfectly. I like that nintendo brings a new smashbros a console at time. Ex: The first on the N64, melee on the GCN and the third on REV.

Gameplay : The gameplay is also all characters running smooth, there so many options. Like sound test, stock matches, coin, giant melee, and 51event matches. 25 characters and 29 stages this game is a gaint leap.

Graphics: 10x better than the n64 version. Each character looks so sharp and moves looks alot better.

Sound: Favorite part the ost is great the sound effects are awsome.

Value: This game is worth every penny. Every cube owner must have it's like a limb.