THE reason to own a Gamecube.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
Who says GCN games are no good? To those weird critics, I say, NAY! This is arguably the best Gamecube launch title I have ever played.
When, this game was released on 12/02/01 there was no other game like it, except for it's precedor, Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64, but that's different. This game is not like any other fighting game for the Gamecube, instead of having stamina, (not to say that there isn't a stamina mode; there is, but it's a special melee) you have to damage your opponents as much as possible, if you damage them enough, they will eventually fly off the stage. This game is so MASSIVE compared to all the other fighting games. With so many unlockables, you could play this for twelve hours, or till your mom takes away your games :P. Like, the 25 characters that are possible to play as. (11 unlockable) And the many unlockable stages, even trophies! THIS is one game to pick up if you get the chance.