mario is good but i hate pokemon

User Rating: 9.8 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
lets see this is almost the best mario game (paper mario is the best) but where did pokemon come in and all the other non mario realated things? who cares this game is awesome!!! i play it a lot and multiplayer is awesome (why is it rated T ) anyways it is still awesome no matter what is in it

Gameplay a mario beat em up/fighting game that is AWESOME! and the controls work fine (kirby is a cheater)

Graphics well no mario game has perfect graphics this is one of the best mario games graphic wise

Sound nothing is superb sound wise but it isn't anything bad kirby sucking enemies up sounds cool so does other things in the game

Value second best mario game yea awesome multiplayer worth it no matter what i think it is 20 dollars allso so you should definately get it it is totally worth it

Tilt a great mario game the first mario game that is so innovative and original that it just took my breath away refreshing interesting character choice cool main mode (final boss is way to easy spoilers) it is worth it no matter what it costs it is AWESOME!