This game is one of the best on the Game Cube. No it IS the best in the Game Cube...that's right I went there.
User Rating: 9.6 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
What's everything you want from a video game? Well I don't know, but what I can tell you is what I like. Graphics and all that stuff is fine, but it doesn't make a great game; it only makes a good game. Smash Bros Melee will take you back to when you were a kid laughing, howling, screaming, picking your nose and wiping it on the walls, and just enjoying the game purely for the funness of BEING ALIVE!! Ehem...Sorry got carried away there. This game has it all and you'd be silly not to buy it if you own a game cube because it will give hours upon hours of gameplay and replay value. Go on I dare ya:)