One of the Best Ever videogames in History.
The graphics are perfect. Really good for one of the first games for the Gamecube. There is no problem with the graphics at all.
The sound is good in the game. The music is good in the game and is nice to hear old school music.
The gameplay is excellent and fun in the game. It is really easy to get used to the controls and easy to do any special attacks, even easier then other fighting games like Mortal Kombat and Dead or Alive. But still a challege to be a master in the game to beat human players.
I regret even selling this game now. I still need to get this game again, I wish it would be $20 then $30. But if you have not tryed this game still, please buy it.
I am sooo looking forward to the next version on the Nintendo Revolution. It will be so sweet being able to play againest other players around the world with no monthy fee like World of Warcraft with makes it better.