
User Rating: 8.9 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
Few games will be remembered with such fondness as the Super Smash Bros. games. This series is multiplayer gaming in one of its finest iterations. With that said, Melee took the Super Smash Brothers that people love, and made it into a legendary fighting title that offers endless hours of fun.

The graphics for this game are truly awesome. The framerate runs so smoothe that it really makes the player believe that, yes, they ARE actually impacting Mario in the face with a home-run bat. The feeling that you get while jumping and attackingfrom car to car on Big Blue is truly thrilling, and the game never skips a beat.

The one player mode, as in the original, is lack-luster. They did improve it a lot, however, by adding a story-type mode and VERY difficult challenges (51 in all). The game is ridiculously hard on the higher difficulty settings, which presents an awesome and epic challenge at times.

All in all, this game really is about the multiplayer. I've never heard anyone say that they want to play SSBM because the single player mode is so fun.
This game is a must own for any Gamecube owner who likes multiplayer mayhem.