best multiplayer game out there...

User Rating: 9.3 | Super Smash Bros. Melee GC
ok well smash bros is a fighting game,however u dont defeat a oppenent by taking all their health out but by knocking them off the stage...and well it sounds dumb but its good...and the gameplay is really good w/ lots of moves and it is pretty fast paced...however while the game seems simple to play iits got a lot of depth and u can easily tell the difference between pros and noobs...the graphics are fine and could look better on come stages...and the sound is rellly nicely done..each stage has its own theme from the game..for example a kirby stage will have kirby the best part of the game is how long it lasts while the single player isnt that long the muliplayer is AWESOME..if u get some friends who know how to play u will realize how competitive it gets..