One of the masterpieces of nintendo action-fight game ever, every person that play this game would get addicted.

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Smash Bros. N64
One of the best nintendo saga, easy controls, unlimited combos, great combination of characters, good options to battle, hidden characters not too easy to find (in the time that internet doesn´t exist XD) And very very addictive to play with friends.

The sub-missions make the game a very challenge for you and your friends, trying to do it in the best time possibly.

The stages adapted to the character game are great and the inclusion of differents items from the sagas, like the pokeball and all sort of pokemon put the clasic touch of fun that nintendo always introduce in its games.

The music was good for that generation, the inclusion of diferent characters from differents game of nintendo its just revolutionary. If you dindt play this game in your N64 you didnt have chilhood.