Good Memories!
Gameplay: Has more than what other Fighting games have. Most Fighting games are basically...fighting, with a few fancy moves, and a few fancy things here and there. SSB has the fighting, and plenty of moves and variety, several ways of killing people, in several different maps, in several difficulties. Tired of fighting? You've still got other mini-games, a two unique games for each character. You'll find yourself trying to beat your old time all the time, trying to get it as low as possible. You've also got the single player versing different characters, sometimes with allies, mostly alone. It can really have you playing for hours after hours, and you will come back for more.
Graphics: It's your average N64 graphics, nothing to brag about, nothing to be embarrased about either.
Sound: Also your average sounds, really nothing different from other games.
Value: You will find yourself coming back to this game many times, unless you bought the sequel, this is a great way to kill time. You can play this when you've got nothing better to play, and you'll always try to beat your old records, challenging yourself to your limits. Although you probably won't be playing this for several days straight since it does get boring, but you will come back sooner or later.
Tilt: Overall, this is a great game to play. You'll have lot's to do with this fighting game compared to others, and you will probably come back. If you haven't played either Supersmash Brother games, then get this one since it's really cheap now to see what you're missing out on.