A decent reminder of a bygone era of gaming. Super Star Soldier is simple, addictive, and very difficult!

User Rating: 7.7 | Super Star Soldier TG16
When I was a kid I REALLY wanted a PC Engine (TG16), they were a nightmare to get hold of in the UK though, and it is only now, via the Wii, that I am finally getting to play TG16 games.

Super Star Soldier is a typical game of its time. Back in the late 80s and early 90s “shooters” generally came in two flavours, side-scrolling, or vertical scrolling. Waves of mobs, punctuated by the occasional boss, were the order of that day. Power-ups were all about boosting firepower to cut through the swarms of enemies. Super Star Soldier is a vertical scroller that has all of these features in abundance.

Although there is nothing in terms of gameplay that really sets this game apart from similar titles, the game is fast paced, and the number of enemies on screen at one time makes for a really challenging game. There are some nice power-ups, and there is a certain strategy involved in ensuring you have the right sort of weapon at the right time. On several occasions I've collected a power-up, only to realise that my previous weapon was better suited to the current situation!

Graphically the game looks impressive for its age, and the fast scrolling backgrounds really give a sense of speed to the game. My only criticism is that some times it is easy to lose track of an enemy or incoming fire against the background. Maybe I'm getting too old for a game like this and my eyes are not what they were? Haha!

There is nothing to write home about in the sound department, however at the same time, it does the job, and doesn't get too irritating. The music is pretty typical of its time.

This a a game from a different era of gaming. Sure it doesn't have a deep and immersive story. It doesn't have the latest fancy graphics. But it is addictive, fun, and well worth splashing out some Wii points for.