Super Star Wars Is A Very Good Game, It Offers Good Gameplay And Tough Bosses.
THE GOOD : Good Gameplay, Classic Gaming Moments, Tough Gameing.
THE BAD : Sound Could Have Been Better, More Levels Would Have Been Nice, You Can't Fight Darth Vader.
I really love Star Wars a lot. I have seen the prequels (Episode I, II and III) quite a lot, and want to own all six on DVD. The trilogy (Episode IV, V and VI) is even better than the prequels, in my personal opinion. I even play these classic Super NES games! Star Wars can NEVER get old! I will forever love this classic game. This game is based off of Episode IV. Now, on with the review.
Gameplay : The gameplay is good. At the beggining of the game, you use a blaster. Later in the game, you use a lightsaber, and you can still use a blaster if you want. You also get blaster powerups, to make your bullets more bigger and more powerful. Of course, you play as Luke Skywalker. There are quite a few levels (fifteen in all) to play in, and you can even use a Level Select cheat to pick the level of your choice! In the last level, the Death Star Attack, you even get to fly in an X-Wing in a 3D-Maze type thing! Sometimes, this game can get really hard, due to the creatures of the sand, and all the cliffs and such. Throughout the fifteen levels, you will encounter bosses, and even some more powerful and better enemies. Your health bar looks like a lightsaber. When all the blue is out of the lightsaber (if you get hit, it drains), then you lose a life. You will find things throughout the game such as more health (hearts regain health), and even stuff that extends your health even more! You will even find extra lives in the game spreaded throughout the levels! Overall, the gameplay is really great, and the bosses are quite unique. There are also three different difficulties to choose from. Of course, the lowest is the easiest, the second one is medium, and the last one is the hardest.
If you watched the original Star Wars Episode IV, you'll know the story of this game. It is the same description as A New Hope. Darth Vader and the Empire are looking for the stolen plans of the Death Star, and they are going after Princess Leia, hoping she will tell them the location of the Rebel Base. With that knowledge, they want to use the Death Star's ultimate power to blow up the Rebel Base, so that they can defeat the Rebels, and rule the galaxy. It is up to Luke Skywalker and his friends to save the captive princess, before the galaxy is ruled by the evil Empire. Luke must destroy the Death Star, to prevent things like the destruction of a base or planet from occuring.
Graphics : The graphics aren't very great, either. They are like the graphics of the Alladin game for the SNES, which aren't very great in itself. Luke looks like a pretty boy with yellow hair, and the lightsaber looks like a drawn out popsicle or something. And the enemies in this game also aren't very graphical. However, the bosses and the levels were designed pretty neat, and they don't look half bad, which is what gives this section a six out of ten. The sandcrawler in the third level looks alright, but inside looks nothing like a Sandcrawler in the movies. But for a SNES game, it can't look PERFECT. There isn't very much more to say about the graphics, execpt that it looks 3D-like in cutscenes and the last level.
Sound : I really like some of the music in the game, but some of it is just pure crap. For an example, the music on Tatooine sounds really stupid, in my honest opinion. However, there are times like in cutscenes where the music is not half bad. There is only some music that is from the original Star Wars movies, which is why I gave this section a seven out of ten. If it was not for the original music, this section would probably get a four out of ten. After all, this game really plays like the Alladin game for the SNES, and the music cannot be that great for a game like this. I cannot think of what else to tell you about the music of this game, but overall, it shouldn't be too bad and hard to put up with. It's a bit cool music, but at times it can get really ugly.
Well, the sound isn't that great in itself. When you collect items, they make a weird sound. Your blaster sounds pretty good, however, as does your lightsaber. But, for a Super Nintendo game, do you really expect a game like this one to have the greatest sounds? However, when you get Game Over, you can hear Darth Vader's breathing, which sounds just like that of the movies. There are some sounds that actually sound not too bad, but some other sounds are just terrible. But overall, I think you can put up with the sounds this game has. Well, there isn't very much for me to say about the sounds of the game.
This game is really short, so you'll probably want to come back and play it after beating it once. This is one of those games where one day, you just dig out your SNES, plug it in, and pop in the game and start playing, then beat it an hour later. Like I just said, it probably only takes about an hour or two to complete this game. The next day, if you're really bored, you can pop this game in once again and begin playing and rebeat it. Of course, it all depends on what difficulty you put it on. I personally love putting my games on the easiest difficulty possible, as I hate extremely hard games. But overall, the replay value of this game is not too bad.
Buy this game at your local game store (like EBGames), or your local Pawn Shop. If they do not have it, search on eBay, and you'll more than likely find this game for a really cheap price. Probably somewhere around five or ten dollars, US money. Of course, I got my copy from neither of those places. I was browsing the mall's game store one day, and they had an entire collection of SNES games. Super Star Wars, of course, was one of them. I asked my dad to buy it for me, as it was only $5 dollars. He did so, and I beat it about a year later (I could never beat the second level for some reason). But, I really think this is a game to put your money on, just to play when you are very bored.
After reviewing this entire game and after playing through it and beating it once, I have decided that this game deserves a score of an eight. I really recommend adding this game to your collect of Super Nintendo games, as it is really fun. The music and the sounds may get annoying at times, and the game may be difficult sometimes, but it's still worth spending money on. With that, I say: I hope my review helped you decide whether or not to buy this game, and I hope you enjoyed it. Until then, goodbye folks. Until my next review!