"Super Star Wars” didn’t measure up to its successors, but it was still a Star Wars, and how can you go wrong with

User Rating: 6.8 | Super Star Wars SNES
“Super Star Wars” was the first SNES videogame based upon the original Star Wars trilogy, and while it wasn’t the best game, it certainly built a solid foundation upon which the later two releases would be laid.

“Super Star Wars,” quite obviously, was based on the film “Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope.” In the game, multiple characters from the film were playable, in a side-scrolling adventure pitting the Rebellion against the Empire. All the locales were pretty much from the film itself, and of course all the music and sound-effects were strictly Star Wars.

Throughout the game, upgrades for the primary weapon, the blaster, were available, which would equip the blaster with new configurations including a spread pattern or homing rockets to more effectively dispatch Imperial troops. Luke also had a lightsaber which could be used to mow down enemies. The lightsaber in “Super Star Wars” was disappointing to say the least; it didn’t look nearly as cool as the lightsabers in the later games. Additionally, the lightsaber in “Super Star Wars” didn’t have nearly the range of motion or power.

“Super Star Wars” was not as good as “Super Empire Strikes Back” or “Super Return of the Jedi” not just because the blasters and lightsaber were not nearly as powerful in the first chapter of the trilogy as in the last two, but primarily because the super jump (the double tap of the jump button which would put the character into a spinning jump, and was the standard for nearly all SNES games) was so awkward to enable.

While “Super Star Wars” didn’t measure up to its successors, it was still a Star Wars, and how can you go wrong with that?