A great update for a classic story…
The opening scene begins with a search for the stubborn little droid R2-D2, who ran off on a mission for the captured Princess Leia to find General Obi-wan Kenobi. Scaling the outside of a Jawa Sandcrawler and rescuing Artoo, you’ll meet with “Old Ben” Kenobi. After arranging a space flight with Han Solo and Chewbacca at the Mos Eisley Cantina, the band of unlikely heroes is finally formed.
The graphics for this vid are significantly improved over the original Star Wars. While there are no CG movies, the cutscenes are fantastic representations of the theatrical release.
Returning is everyone’s favorite run-and-jump, possibly the only way for an adventure in a 2D setting. There are more power-ups this time as well, including the “seeker” pistol, which shoots tiny missiles that automatically target any enemy, no matter where the location. By constantly tapping the shoot button, it’s near impossible to go wrong with this hot item.
No Star Wars collection would be complete without this one. The gameplay is addictive enough to beat it in one sitting, and return for more tomorrow. * * * *