A faithful return to classic fighting fun, that does not disappoint!
The game play makes a return to the more traditional roots of the Street Fighter series, relying more heavily on footsies and correct spacing than the previous game in the franchise "Street Fighter 3:Third Strike, which was largely orientated around the parry system, a feature that does not appear in this title.
The game makes an effort to make itself more easily accessible to the casual gamer with the inclusion of shortcuts, which essentially allows for a certain level of sloppiness and mistake when inputting specific stick movements. However this new feature can sometimes result in unwanted moves popping up unless the player makes an effort to be partially rigid with how he handles the stick.
Although the game is casualised in some aspects when compared to its predecessor, it is still an extremely deep game and has the largest competitive following of any fighting game on the market at the time I am typing this review.
Like essentially all fighting games, I would not recommend this to people who don't have either an Xbox Live Gold subscription OR a group of friends to play with regularly, multiplayer is really the selling point of this, and any fighting game.
Do not buy the game, go online, and expect to dominate other players as easily as you do in say... Call of Duty. This game is significantly deeper than most other modern games, so If you are used to being spoon fed you better prepare yourself for a shock.
Unique art style which is a refreshing change to the photo realistic visuals that dominate the current gaming market.
Extremely deep, challenging and fun. Arguably the most fun fighting game out there at the moment.
Faithful to earlier titles, whilst adapted into modern times.
Caused me to nostalgia in my pants.
Replayability:9.5/10 (With multiplayer)
4/10 (Without multiplayer)
The fun of this game largely comes from improving yourself as a player and testing this skill against a variety of opponents, however even on the highest difficulty settings the computer is not a sufficient replacement for other people, so multiplayer is a must!