"Super Streey Fighter: IV", Delivers the addiction.

User Rating: 10 | Super Street Fighter IV PS3
If you thought "Street Fighter IV" satisfied your fighting addiction, will you better think again, because, "Super Street Fighter IV" is here with a whole new and improved addiction to master. Read on to find out why.

--Adon, Cody, Dee Jay, Dudley, Guy, Hakan, Ibuki, Juri, Makoto and T. Hawk make up ten new fighters, added to the street fighter roster. These new characters have addiction written all over their unique fighting style and choosing anyone of them will breathe excitement through your gut feeling. Just as in SFIV, "Ultras" were the climax of a battle, and here in SSFIV, its a theatrical spectacle because you can now choose between two "Ultras" for one character at the select screen just before the match starts. Instead of using Chun-Li's "Ultra I", now you can choose her brand new "Ultra 2", which can easily beat out Ryu's "Ultra I" at close range when the two characters have an ultra showdown. New & improved character design, acrade mode, challenge mode & new online modes. ADDICTIVE.