Whimsical courses and fun multi-player make this game a keeper.
There are a few modes to play: Mini games, Solo Tour, VS CPU and VS Player, all of which are interesting in their own right. Mini games include things like darts, driving, and balloon strike.... darts being highly annoying (at least for me) but the other two are pretty darn fun. I had issues with the motion controls in terms of getting everything dead on and didn't particularly enjoy using the remote as a club but it was enjoyable nonetheless.
Also enjoyable is collecting pang and outfitting your character with weapons for clubs and neat outfits. I didn't tinker with it in multiplayer, but as you move through the solo tour you get new caddies and outfits.
It will take you awhile to get used to the controls, as there are special hits you can use besides just hitting the ball (Tomahawk etc), and you can apply spin to the ball as well. After about 30-1 hour you should have the hang of everything in terms of setting up shots.
The wind can be quite a challenge, especially in mini games like darts were you need good accuracy to get the points.
Definately worth a rental - and if you enjoy it - a purchase. Good fun with friends, and it is challenging in solo play for those seeking something to sink their teeth into.