The Pang system and the difficulties on unlocking things make this game a total drag.

User Rating: 2 | Swing Golf Pangya WII
The courses are very interesting. Some have a resort theme, some others have a medieval theme, and some others have a lot of ice. The characters are quite detailed as well. Not only there are clubs that look normal, there are also household appliances, baseball bats, and even magical wands. The 14 club set give you a much more precise control than ever before in most other golf games. However, these factors take away all the benefits of those explained above.

-You only earn a limited amount of Pang.
-Everything is wallet-busting and overpriced.
-The controls are still too difficult and you need to buy upgrades for it.
--The upgrades are also overpriced, so nothing can be done.
-You have to unlock almost every single one bit.
--Due to difficult controls, there is no chance getting anywhere close.
-You aren't given anything to begin with, leaving you with:
--difficult courses and controls with no possible solution
--no items when you will need them the most
---The items are also overpriced.
--no possible way to reach certain goals, especially beating opponents
-The opponents are all overly difficult.
--The game is golf, meaning the opponents will determine the entire game.
---That means, even when you play hardball, you will still end up losing.
----Since nothing will help, it will go on a streak.
-----Then, you will be bankrupt and there will be no way out.
-Even if you are a professional golfer, the equipment will determine your play.
--That means nothing will work unless you have the best equipment.
---Even the worst and cheapest equipments are overpriced.
----That means the best gear will cost even more.
-----You can still upgrade your current equipment, but that is also costly.
------That means there aren't any solutions here either.
-------The upgrades are limited anyway.
-There are only a limited number of characters.
-There are barely any customizable options.
-Online gameplay is not available.
-Golf is the only thing you can do.
--That means you can't do free roams or any off-topic activities.

What all this means is not only you will only be stuck in the middle of nowhere, there is nothing else exciting that you can do in the meantime. Although the online version "Pangya USA" will only cause even more issues, it at least features a survival kit (with 10 of each items out there), and it also feaures a Lounge mode, allowing you to roam around a segment of a golf course.

Therefore, both Super Swing Golf and Pangya USA will be nothing but a total drag.