Super Thunder Blade is a waste of time, money, and words to describe its laughable incompetence. Don't play it. Ever. The fact that it's coming to Virtual Console is a slap in the face not only to the MTV Generation who have nightmares of this foul Genesis iteration, but to a new generation of gamers who overpay to experience old-school resurrections. Super Thunder Blade wasn't good then and it's safe to say that time hasn't been kind to Sega's 16-Bit flop. Awful graphics, terrible sound, dull gameplay. And it's funny to think they added the Super to the title. There's nothing Super about it, believe me. Don't buy this game. Some games are better left dead and buried. Super Thunder Blade is no exception.
The good: Graphics look nice The bad: everything else Gameplay: 3/10 Graphics: 7/10 Sound: 5/10 Value: 1/10 Tilt: 4/10 Average Score: 4/10 Have you played Space Harrier? Super Thunder Blade, based on the Bl... Read Full Review
well the game wensea10 said i should do is a game that i knew for a long time ever since it first came out in 1989. man 1989 the Simpsons aired,bad games,and then you have super thunder i was gonna review max... Read Full Review