Not saying its the best game, but this game has all the characteristics of a GREAT Superman Game, Truly AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 8.9 | Superman Returns X360
Well, I don't know about you, but I, like many others, have been anticipating the wait for this game for about 10 months!! AND ITS FINALLY HERE!!!

Superman Returns the Videogame is all it was hyped up to be and moresome. Not saying that its the greatest game ever, but really just a fun and enjoyable game with many different views and opinions. The graphics are very good for such a large free-raom game and make it look more comicy as well as the cinematic feel of the movie itself. The gameplay is outstanding. Easy and very comfortable if you take the time to practice out all the jinks. Flying is simply amazing!!! As long as you learn the control scheme of flying, things like the cooky camera won't bother you whatsoever. The superspeed effect really makes you feel like Supes himself!! The superpowers are used very good, however, they do feel a bit overused when it comes time to take out a few baddies here and there around the grounds of the ciy.

Overall, the look and feel of playing and being Superman in this game are really slacked up to what a GREAT Superman game should be-----We've come a loooooong way since Superman 64, thank god!!!!