The FIRST Superman game that really makes you feel like the MAN OF STEEL!! This destroys the Superman game curse period!

User Rating: 9.7 | Superman Returns X360
Look at Gamespots review score 4.5 look at what regular players give it about 8.3 I think if you dont care for Superman and dont have a vivid imagination ..then dont play it , you might get bored. But if your a Superman fan in any way...or your like me and have always had dreams of flying or like skydiving or stuff like then this is THE game for YOU.

Gamespot says "Superman Returns isn't a particularly good-looking game".... WOW ...ummmm what the hell? Great graphics ...great cape physics , great blur when flying at super speed. Cars look good...buildings look awesome. Reminds me of graphics in Saints Row kind of. Superman looks ..well like Superman.

Fighting system a little flawed and yes the random events that happen will get repetitive. I havent completed the where near it. But the game is fun...and if you want to go on a rampage and destroy the city can do it with Superman...just dont save the game i guess lol.

Remember the first Superman movie with the tagline "You will believe a man can fly." Well listen up...this game makes you believe again.