A rewiew of the game by a fan of superman, for fans of superman.

User Rating: 6.5 | Superman Returns X360
First of all, this game had alot of potential.I felt i should write a review because i dont think the gamespot review was fair, but it did make some good points, then again i may be biased. It is a very fun game when you first start but you are eventually made to do the same thing again and again just with different enemies. I own both the ps2 version and the 360 version of the game, the 360 version is far far superior graphically, the ps2 version looks like garbage compared to it, other than that there isnt much difference in gameplay or anything like that.

The there is no double life in this game, no Clark Kent is seen, only in cutscenes, it would be great to include some gameplay elements with Clark. Lois Lane and Lex luthor are only seen in the cutscenes aswell and the final boss is a tornado...

Despite that, the game captures the feel of superman and his super powers decently, they feel slightly limited, perhaps not being able to go out of the earths atmosphere is one of them. I really enjoyed playing through storymode and unlocking the 2 additional costumes, The POD suit, and the awsome Golden Age suit you recieve for beating story mode. i still turn it on just to fly about (The 360 version mind you!), which they did really well i reckon. I would recommend the game to superman fans, but otherwise its not something many people would enjoy. A fun for a while kind of game, hopefully the next superman game (for the next movie?) will follow in the footsteps of Batman: Arkham asylum and really focus on the character and gameplay.