It follows the story with some classic villians in between the gameplay. Some key moments are skipped through rather quickly. At first it's dissapointing to realize that the villains are just filler for the game, no real point other than to save the city from destruction. After you have a one on one battle with each villain, stop their spread of evil, you realize there isn't much left to the movie other than a rush through of saving Lois from Lex's boat and then throwing the New Krypton city into space. Overall, the movis was far more entertaining than the game.
After the craptastic Superman 64, I thought that the next games starring Superman would be a lot better than the 64 game.Well.......I was wrong.Superman Returns for the DS can almost match Superman 64's awfullness.No, I ... Read Full Review
One word can describe this game is crap , i played this game for a few minutes and it was horrible and hardly worth the money i paid , unless its free dont get it.The graphics are absolutly terribele and totaly bums the ... Read Full Review