Cryptonite ridden code

User Rating: 5 | Superman Returns X360
What an incredible license to use as the basis for a game! Superman has everything a game designer can dream of, to make a thrilling experience. Imagine flying at super speed, seeing through buildings, use your heat vision, and enough power to even move the earth itself should it be necessary (yes, he actually did this at one point int he series).

I was a Superman fan as a kid, and this kid is still inside wanting the game to be great. First impression was quite awesome, flying around miles over Metropolis at amazing speed chasing meteors was a rush...

...for about one minute...

Then you notice the awkward controls. They just feel off, and I continuously ended up doing something I did not want to do. What a sad experience, having all the powers and freedom in the world, then take off to fly off into space - except you don't because you accidentally fly in the wrong direction and into a building instead, hitting a window obviously made of 10 meter thick steel that makes mighty superman bounce off like some bug instead of shattering.

The controls gives you no sense of control, hence give you no sense of freedom or superpower. If you get over this, you have to suffer the totally random story that tosses you back and forth without purpose. I felt no sense of real achievement, and Supermans powers just did not feel very super when he had to whack a badbuy in the early stages about 100 times before he finally fainted.

The animations are poor, the city looks dull and lifeless and it is basically nearly unplayable and very unsatisfying.

So sad to see yet another great IP turn out to be nothing, just a big brand full of nothing... Yet, I bet it will sell tons of copies, encouraging the sellers to do this over and over and over again. Do everyone a favor, don't buy this game! Maybe next time they will be forced to make a decent game instead of this crap.