The Curse of Superman Continues in this Man of Steel game

User Rating: 6.2 | Superman: Shadow of Apokolips PS2
Hello my name is Jesus "HyuugaGaara" Martinez. I will try to help you choose whether to Buy, Rent, or ignore and wait for Superman Returns. Well first of all the curse of Superman Returns continues.
Graphics 9/10
The graphics are cartoon like with cel-shading touch. It is as if you are watching Superman the Cartoon Show from the WB. I loved the look of the game because it reminded me of the good ol days. I also was not disturbed by the look of the game,Superman and the backgrounds.
Sound 8/10
The sounds where great. I like the music the at the opening theme and when I was playing I thought the music fit in perfectly and blended in. In one level it rains and it sound like actual rain. When he shoots his Heat Vision it makes a sound like in the show. The theme was great but at points I thought it did not fit.
Story 6/10
The story was original since it had nothing to do with the show. Yes the villains where the same but never did I see a episode where Superman fought Metallo,Livewire,Lex,Parasite. You have to battle the forces of Lex until you get to a island and you fight Parasite,Livewire,and Metallo one after the other. It was original and tiresome.
Replay Value 5/10
This game is not a very good game to play over and over. Once you beat the game you can insert the code Wanderer in the first level so that you can just fly around and goof around. After that mission there is nothing that you haven't beaten and if you where stuck in some levels you would find them just as annoying as before.
Game play 5/10
Well I found the game play to be annoying at times when you have to protect someone because since of the health bar you have to protect yourself will the others too. If you are fighting the person you have to protect is being attack and you are dead before you can reach them. even with the Speed Burst this game did not make you feel like the man of steel. The heat vision was fun to play because it had to modes. Laser and Blast. I was not blown away by the game play.
Closing comments:
Rent or buy!? Rent so that you do not waste money on this game. If you can stay away from this at all cost. Buy only if you need it for your Superman Collection.

Reviewers Score: 6/10,
Originally Posted: 08/17/06