Superman 64 is, without question, one of the, if not, worst games in history.

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
The story is kinda bad. Lex Luthor has trapepd your friends in a virtual world.

The gameplay is awful. Whats'the point of flyuing through rings? How does flying through rings help? How is superman going to save his friends by flying through rings?! I hope that was a joke. The controls are so unresponsive you CAN'T EVEN GET PAST THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST PART! Every few seconds you'll crash!

The graphics are so low detailed that even the Sega 32X could handle it! i hate that fog that prevents you from seeing the distance equivalent to 2 seconds of flying away from your current position. There are so little buildings that it almost looks like a small town. I thought Metropolis was supposed to be a highly populated city! Where are all the people and extra buildings?

The music doesn't match the current location! It's not epic like Superman is supposed to be!

Overall, the game should be avoided at all costs. The game is Super Bad!