terrible and horrible on one game? you've heard that before.....but guess what?????? IT'S FOR THE NINTENDO 64!!!!!!

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
ok first things first. what the hell is up with the first level? immediately after you start, lex luthor says "complete my maze if you want to save your friends" okay so that means flying through rings???????? why?????????????? by the way who would even have the patience to even complete this stage!? i mean its not like its a practice mode! another note, THE PRACTICE MODE IS THE SAME AS THE FIRST STAGE!!! SO WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO DO IT IN PRACTICE MODE WHEN YOU COULD JUST GO ON WITH THE GAME??? you wouldn't last 2 hours on this game anyway! about the controls if your wondering, they suck. in the first stage if your flying too fast, superman just flies everywhere except where you want to......THROUGH A RING PERHAPS....and there are so many bugs in this game. here's one. okay so on the ring stages, you'll be flying around trying to get through them right? but guess what.........you can get stuck, underneath a bridge, or next to something, when there is room for superman to just fly away! makes no sense.....this game is terrible. i wouldn't buy it.