I honestly couldn't think if a worse punisment then playing this game

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
Ok put it bodly Superman 64 is quite possibly the worst game ever i can't honestly think of a more horrible punishment then playing this game i will be REALLY REALLY REALLY SURPRISED! if there is someone that actually likes this game. but anyway on to my review the game absoultly fails in all catagorys gameplay graphics sound value and tilt lets start with the gameplay.

Gameplay=Ok heres the plot your archnemesis Lex Luthor has trapped Superman's friends Lois, Professor Hamilton, and Jimmy Olsen in a virtual world and its up to you to save them. If Lex Luther really wanted to kill superman he could of probably forced him to play this game Because this game is so awful it would not only scare children it would kill them.The moment you start the game you now it has possibly the worst controls in a video game ever. its almost impossible to make him fly straight or do that most basic things you crash in to so many buildings you head will spin it takes about 2 hours to actually be able to get use to the controls but even when you do the controls are still horrible and the game really falls apart in fact i can't think of one person who could actually be able to sit through and finish the game. this game is so boring so frustrating that you probably stop playing after you beat the first mission because id rather blow my brains out then continue on playing this game. Trying to make superman perform one single task is incridible frustrating and you probably be dying a lot.

Graphics= Lets start with this it feels like its only playing at 1 Frame per second. The game is incridble jerky and theres more glitches then Sonic R for the sega saturn. Theres loads of collision promblems. Loads of jagged edges and the game looks so blocky it actually makes Doom. Still look good today. it looks like this game was done by a 2 year old.

Sound=the sound is just as disatrious as the graphics the music is incrible choppy the sound skips quite a lot and supermans dialog is incribly irratiation when he makes a speech everytime you start a level.

Value= if you can actually sit through this game without getting bored or frustrated id give you an award but thats completly impossible. Thees absoultly no value to this game i honestly can't think of anyone actually keeping buying or renting this game even if it was just 5 cents. Put it BODLY DON'T RENT DON'T BUY DON'T PLAY THIS GAME ITS JUST PLAIN AWFUL!! this game actually makes sonic R look good and thats saying a lot