I got this game for free and I still feel ripped off

User Rating: 1 | Superman: The New Superman Adventures N64
I couldn't even play this game for a day. At first I thought there was something wrong and something messed up because I couldn't see anything in the distance, but then I found out that's supposed to be kryptonite fog apparently. Yeah pink kryptonite fog. Pink.

you start off and for some reason you must fly through some rings within a time limit. it's hard to see where the rings are and you can't constantly fly because sometimes the rings are right round a corner.

After getting bored of the first level I decided to do practice to see what I could do with my powers.
laser eye - it looked ok, but it didn't do much against the enemies.
ice breath - that was ok against enemies like it could slow them down
fast running - it seemed like you don't turn it on so you use it up when going about on the ground. If you turn too fast you stop fast running and it seems pretty stupid
x-ray vision - WOW! go over to a wall, try x-ray and nothing. It seems they decided to not put x-ray vision in the game.

I decided to carry on with the levels. I passed the first level then there was the robot level. the robots are really hard and blocking seems crap since once they shoot you it stops you from blocking. I got to some bit where there's water and people are trapped in a room somewhere there and I decided to look in the water and found some random electric eel that ended up doing nothing and being gone after I drained the water out.

I managed to find the thing to drain the water and found people! finally some people to talk to. well not really since after I talk to them I have to go straight off to ice up some bombs.

Basically throughout the whole game (or the levels I played) nobody is around unless they're there to do something. The fog (didn't even look like fog) seems to be an excuse of their inability to be able to show the objects in the distance. The character looks like he's falling apart. There's holes in his arms on some parts.
it seems impossible to actually beat this game. If you can manage to stand the site of the game you still have to beat all the people in it.