Here is how i see it. You folks are dissapointed, because this is not the game you expected it to be. But that doensn't mean that its a bad game. And I have to say that I am glad, that they simplified it, because now its more fun to play in its more accsesible for people, who don't play video games all day long. And there is nothing wrong with the graphics, I have a good computer myself, but I know that there are alot of people, that just can't afford to upgrade their rig and are happy, that not all games are super demanding and need a super computer to run. I haven't played alot of this game yet, but I played it enough, that I can see, that the people who rate it as 1, are just a little kids who didn't get their favourite toy. Try looking at this game as if it wasn't SupCom 2, and you will see that is quite good...
Ah well, I really expected something amazing and worth myself going 'WOW!' but all I did was make a sad face, delete the game and go back to SC:FA. Basically, all they did here was removal. They removed almost all uni... Read Full Review
As a rather big fan of SC 1, with its genre first large area maps and massive unit counts for RTS's, I was absolutely looking forward to SC 2. What could go wrong? Simply rehash 1 with updated graphics and some new uni... Read Full Review