It could've been better.
1. The campaign isn't half bad, but I've never been a big fan of the campaign anyhow. The campaign is what you expect it to be- decently long, and a few interesting and unique missions tied in here and there. The coms suck though, so the replay value of it isn't all that high.
2 Music. Nothing noticeably epic. It's pretty good, but doesn't stand out.
3. Graphics- They are just gorgeous! Some people find they don't like the designs of the units but the units themselves are very streamlined and artistic.
4. System specs-with the somewhat dumbed down design of the game, many computers can play this game that weren't able to play the previous 2.
5. Multiplayer- this is where I have my biggest problems. First of all, supcom doesnt have as big a following as say Starcraft or Compoany of heroes. So it's a little harder to find games. Also, some just aren't balanced. The gunship spam these days is a guaranteed win. Especially if you get the experimental ones out. Also, the aeon pretty much are the suckiest army ever. The Universal Collosus and Darkenoid have nowhere near the same punch as the GC and Czar did. not to mention they have no navy. The maps seem a whole lot smaller, and the major experimentals go down a lot quicker than expected. The ACU gets owned by gunships a lot (hurry! get to the water!) and the major experimentals are almost spammable ( a lot easier to get nowadays, but have less of a game-ending aura)
6. Stupid stuff- why the game designers named the aeons like they did just seems really, really stupid. its not all that funny when all the factions have good-sounding names and the aeon has a weedoboth fighter bomber (we do both....get it?) Go my Wasp! Shoot it down! Anyhow, the multiplayer maps are a lot smaller these days, it seems the scale has been drastically reduced. Seton's clutch is downright small. Dumbing down the economy system maybe wasnt such a hot idea, bit at least it prevented people from gettign stuck and the pros from pulling ahead to far. Now its more about tactics with units than resource gathering.
7. Good stuff. The experimental in general and strategies are pretty balanced (except for the gunship spam and the fact that aeon is outranged by any navy) and you can pretty much go with any strat as long as you watch for the gunships (scout often with a fighter or something, or get your ACU underwater).