The game surpassed most expectations and boasts an easy command interface.
User Rating: 9 | Supreme Commander 2 X360
Games like this (RTS) don't often see the light on consoles. This game showed up and proved otherwise, making an easy to use game and engaging, large, and flashy but not epic battles. This game was easy to pick up, play and play again. The first one had terrible lag issues on 360 but those are entirely gone with very little exceptions. If you enjoyed the first than you'll enjoy this improvement and even if you haven't let this be your first. It can at times be very easy so crank up that difficulty as you improve. The campaign isn't really there but the skirmish and online modes are where you'll be spending most of you're time. The game features a quick way to upgrade units as well as unlock new units in the middle of the game. The grand-scale of the game and the sheer size of the armies you build is enough to keep you playing. Overall, this game exceeded where i thought it would fail and is a good buy that will steal a good many hours of your life.