As a single player game, it is better than the original. The changes are good, the game is fun, not a clickfest anymore

User Rating: 9.5 | Supreme Commander 2 PC
I understand that lots of hardcore funs of the game are disappointed. The game did lose some unique things that requires extra skills. But in my opinion, those skills were not related to tactics or strategy, but more like attention skills, like do not forget to click each 12 seconds on some place - type of skills.

I actually feel that there is more variety in this game. I feel like there are more units in the game, not less. Of course if you count in the original commander T1 bot as different from T2 bot, then yeah, the original has more units, but they are the same units. In this version of the game, you simply upgrade them through research.

However, the research trees and the experimental create more options for you than in the original game. Not options like do I build T1 bot or T2 bot, but real options, like, do I build the normal units or experimental ones.

The game is also quite well balanced for multilayer - you can check and see that there is no favorite.

I also welcome the change that makes the game faster. The first one was really tedious experience.

In short, if you are hardcore SC fun, then you already have the game, and probably not very happy because of these changes. But if you are not, if you are just RTS player or even a general gamer, check this game.