A stripped off depth in strategy of a game that should have been better.
In Supreme Commander 2, path finding is a bit better now, the units move a little bit smoother and also, the naval units are faster to deploy. But in what cost? The cost is the loss of the tier type upgrade which literally shaped the first game, the variety of defense systems(which, in the second game reduced to one ground and one air defense). Now, instead of tenth of building you can build, you can only build a handful of selected buildings and the only upgrade you have is from the research(in which I believe could also have been better, for example, the upgrade would only concentrate on the improved efficiency and status of units where the building upgrade would be kept at the same level as in Sup Com 1).
These reduction in variety also reduced the strategy value in the game, making the game much more simpler: Build 100 tanks, 50 Gunships, 50 Air fighters, 2 Fat Boys, 2 Monkey King, attack the enemy until death. End of the game. Although it is not as simple as that, there is no depth in the strategy, no contradicting units as in the first game and ultimately, destroying the total image of the game into a fun and fast game(instead of 1hour/map in average, you can complete a map in 30mins).
FOr the single player, the missions are interesting and it also has it's depth of character and mission. However, the feeling of expanding map is not there anymore. The map is much smaller and the feeling that you're in a war disappear, creating a totally different feeling towards the Story play( and to be honest, none good).
The muiltiplayer of the game is fun and there aren't anything to talk about and yeah, that was great :)
THe instillation process: Used the Disc version and it was a complete pain in the ass and took about 2hours just to get it right. And even after all that process to protect against piracy, there ARE still pirated game all around the internet therefore, they failed at that point for a pointless war, through piracy, the game's reputation would go up(especially in third world economy countries) and they're trying to block it.
Bottom line: Good if you're just a casual player who just want to have a small amount of fun but is over-priced game and it could have been better with just a little bit of tweaking. A WHOLE LOT BETTER.