2 WORDS. RENT ONLY. amazingly crafted and built. Amazingly published? No. Square-Enix gave this game a good eye gouge
Supreme commander 2 has been plagued by a well known glitch call the "Mass Glitch". It basically is like a cheat code for single player. Its very simple, it can be done at the start of the game, giving you infinite "money" for the game. If it had only been the baby of another publisher, epic would be its first, middle, and last name. But sadly it is not
I messaged square enix "Im wondering if there will be any fixes for the game?"
Their reply
"This information is yet to be announced or cannot be released at this time......we apologize we cannot assist you further at this time"..
You get a reply like that? You know its time to turn back.
End result? Rent it, play the campaign, LOVE THE CAMPAIGN, but don't waste your money on buying it